Our produce is fresh picked and brought to market as quick as we can. We never long-term cold store our produce. We are not completely organic because of the seed varieties available to choose from. In order to be truly organic, you need seeds that have been not treated with any pesticides. The organic varieties of seeds we need are not fully available right now.

We believe in soil conservation through crop rotation and being mindful of when we work the soil. Dry dirt never gets worked to maintain the top soil from blowing away. Our soil amendment consists of lime, Miracle-Grow tm. and fish emulsion.

Also, we have found that the more uncontrolled weeds you have the more pest you have. Clean rows give less natural habitat for undesired free loaders.

Good bug - bad bug! We try to promote bees, lady bugs, praying mantis and Lacewings that eat their weight in bad bugs. Also, we have found methods like daily squash bug squashing and their eggs has made a huge difference in their populations long term. No pesticides used in squashing them! Just fingers and rocks. Japanese Beatles will roll right off a leaf into a funnel attached to an Arizona Iced Tea jug. All these things done diligently reduce their populations naturally and require no pesticides!

We have quality control like no other ... my wife. Her comment when in doubt, "Would you eat this!" Which usually ends the debate and sends produce to the compost pile or me getting a mouthful of something I don't like and having to apologize to her. Either way you get the benefit of the best produce we have to sell. We know you can see, smell and taste the difference in our produce from any store-bought produce.

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